Instagram has once again been hit with a Phishing scam. According to researchers at Vade, this new phishing scam uses Instagram’s verification status (Blue badge) as a way to capture people’s personal information.  The latest campaign informs people that they could be eligible for the Blue verification badge by simply clicking on the link.

Many Instagram users are being targeted with emails claiming that their Instagram profile is under review and they’re eligible for the verification badge. The email carries both Facebook and Instagram logos and the victim’s actual Instagram account name.

This Phishing email comes from an account name “ig-badges” with the subject line “ig blue badge info”. When users click on the link embedded in the email it takes them to an unknown website with Instagram and Meta logos. On this page, users are asked to enter their personal information such as name, phone number or email address.

The consequences of being scammed

The consequences of this scam are devastating as hackers can retrieve the personal information of an individual through a simple scam. Once hackers have this information, there are many things that they could do with it, such as take over the account, steal our identity and even sell our information on the dark web.

Tips to protect yourself from Instagram phishing attacks:

To protect ourselves from these risks, we need to be aware of the latest hacker techniques and how to protect ourselves from them. Here are some tips to stay safe from Instagram verification scams.

  1. Pay attention to the URL: Before entering any personal information. Make sure that the URL is spelt correctly and that there are no strange characters in the URL. If unsure, you can always do a quick Google search to see if the site is legitimate.
  2. Do Research: Research how Instagram verifies users for blue badges.
  3. Don’t give your personal information: Don’t enter your login credentials into any form that you’re not 100% sure is legitimate.
  4. Observe closely: Be suspicious of unsolicited emails, even if they appear to be from a trusted source.
  5. Don’t rush: Phishing emails often convey a sense of urgency, so pay attention to the language before acting.

It seems like every day there’s a new story about someone being scammed on social media. Whilst it’s easting to think “that would never happen to me,” the truth is that anyone can be targeted by a scammer. By following these simple tips, you can protect yourself from becoming a victim of a social media scam. So next time you see something like this in your inbox, take a minute to stop and think before you click! If you’re ever contacted by someone claiming to be able to help you get verified on sites like Instagram, be sure to verify their legitimacy before proceeding. Educate yourself to protect yourself from online threats and stay updated on the latest scams.

Siccura Cybershield

Siccura Cybershield is the most interactive cybersecurity training awareness programme. With philosophy as simple as Test. Aware. Engage, we’ll help you:

  • Test you by playing the role of an attacker.
  • Make you aware of the types of attacks such as Phishing, Vishing, Ransomeware and more
  • Engage you by sharpening knowledge, and teaching how to combat threats.

Through the training programme, we’ll help you turn into a Human Cybershield ready to defend against any possible online threat.


Screenshot of the Phishing mail:

Instagram verification scam