Personal products to suit every need

My Siccura

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Siccura Lite

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Siccura Mail

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Siccura Family

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Siccura Cyber Safe Powered by N-gage

Available Now


Siccura Guard 32 BIT

Available Now


Siccura Safecloud

Coming Soon

Business Products

Siccura Office

Get total control of your business communications and data with Siccura Office. Through the Centralised Admin console you'll be able to gain total transparency of your business data. Start securing your business today

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Siccura Lite

Siccura Lite is the simple, and seamless solution that allows you to access, and view any Siccura content received from a Siccura user. With Siccura Lite, you can view, manage, edit any encrypted file you’ve received from Siccura users in a matter of clicks

Available Now