
Covid- 19 has changed the way company’s access data. Gone are the days when employees needed to stick around their systems in order to work and manage team projects.

In today’s remote working condition, many businesses have smartly increased their use of cloud services. Not only does it support business continuity, but it allows remote workers to stay productive and access company data from anywhere, and at anytime.

However, the use of cloud services in this remote working culture has presented a new set of challenges that businesses will not be able to overcome through Firewall protection. These challenges relate to user access controls on the data stored on the cloud. Businesses now need to focus on user identity on the cloud, so that employees have the right level of access to data they need, without subjecting the business to accidental or intentional data breaches.

Therefore, businesses need to ensure that the right set of security protocols are in place before entirely migrating and depending on cloud. 

Why cloud security is important?

As the security landscape has evolved, the security needs for businesses have also changed.

So what does cloud security do?  It monitors and protects the data that is stored on the cloud; it also secures the accounts used for login in and gain access to the data. If your business doesn’t have cloud security in place, then you are automatically putting your data on the cloud at risk.

Imagine your entire client data sitting on cloud was stolen. Why would a client trust your organisation? This situation occurs due to lack of security.

Your reputation will go for a toss and you may encounter financial losses. Thus cloud security is important.

In the current situation of remote working, business must also consider the challenges that come with cloud, such as how to manage security vulnerabilities for applications and softwares which are managed inside office premises. The media recently reported on security weaknesses of Google Drive . Attackers were able to distribute malicious files disguised as legitimate documents or images, as they conducted spear-phishing attacks.

Whilst your business is rushing to migrate data, onto the cloud, you need to start implementing policies on remote access to networks and device management.

According to a report conducted by Nominet, 61% of security professionals believe that the risk associated with a security breach in a cloud environment is the same as or less than that of software installed on-premise.

Your business needs accurate monitoring for threats, and make sure systems and softwares are updated regularly.  

Top 6 ways to improve cloud security. 

  1. Strong password protection

Using simple or same (Professional & personal) username & password combination for your cloud can give easy access to the hackers. Once they have your credentials, they can log in all those cloud application and services that is used by the business to manage data and can steal the data easily. Using strong, complex and multi factor authentication ensures that an additional layer of security is there which reduces the risk of cyber-attacks.

  1. Manage user access

Not all remote workers need access to every application, folder or even every piece of information stored on the cloud. Business owners should set appropriate authorisation protocols, and ensure that every employee has access to the necessary files. This will help protect data from accidental editing, downloading and sharing by unauthorized users. Giving access to everything, employees can get tricked by hackers and give out keys to access the most sensitive company data.

  1. Monitor employee activities on cloud 

Ensure real time monitoring on your remote users, this will help you spot irregularities in usage pattern if any. Monitoring activities allows business to indicate and stop a breach at early stage.

  1. Have Exist procedures in place

When employees leave your business, ensure they no longer have access to the company data. Change the log in details of the cloud systems that they had access to.  

  1. Conduct cloud security awareness training

Many security breaches happen because of insiders intentional or unintentional activities. Make sure your employees are well trained on best practices for cloud security along with Phishing, Ransomware training.  

  1. Encryption is key

Having cloud encryption is critical to protect sensitive data. It allows the content to be transformed into unreadable format to the unauthorized users. 


To summarize, cloud services comes with its own set of pros and cons. By adopting security measures like we mentioned above will help you store, share and manage your data securely on cloud.


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