From an unsolicited message laying claim to a non-existent service to a request for sign up among several other activities, the use of the internet-enabled medium of communication, interaction and exchange is increasingly becoming the centre of the hack attack target. While practically no business can run successfully and competitively today without some forms of internet-enhanced technology, getting themselves secured from all forms of cyberattacks thus becomes the only available option for any individual or business organization.

According to a 2019 study report, there is a hack attack every 39 seconds. The study however furthered to describe the Russian hackers as the fastest among all, and that about 300,000 new malware is being created daily. This suggests while spending on cybersecurity is increasingly eating up the bulk of countries’ overall security budget with the US cybersecurity budget alone approximating $14.98 billion. Below are ten basic ways through which any business owner can enhance their online security:

  • Set a Robust Password: – password and pin are the two most common methods through which authorization to a data reserve can be granted. Individuals and organizations that make use of easily guessable passwords are often vulnerable to attack more than those with a relatively sophisticated and hard-to-guess password. They can also employ the use of password managers if the previous seems too difficult.
  • Set your Email Security:- The email platform is one of the easiest methods through which phishing activities are perpetrated. It is, however, advisable for users to go to their email settings and modify to allow them better control over sent messages. An online security company services can also be sought to provide better protection for your data.
  • Be Weary of Unknown Links:- There are millions of suspicious links out there. Always watch what you click or better still, use the free VirusTotal to scan for malicious links.

  • Secure your Device with a Good Antivirus: – having antivirus software installed onto one’s devices; be it paid or one the many free antivirus software, is a necessity for the provision of the most basic of internet protections.
  • Secure your Network Detail Regularly with VPN: – this will encrypt your communication and protect your true identity while surfing the net or during the use of public WiFi.
    Do Periodic Backup for your Device Data: – back your data up regularly to avoid outright loss in a situation of attack.
  • Use Additional Security:- Users should endeavour to make use of additional securities most especially the OS-Based Security Tools.
  • Clear Browsing History:- Internet users should always endeavour to clear cache and their browsing history as this will prevent potential hackers from extracting passwords trapped in cookies and subsequently predict browsing activities.
  • Employ the use of Multifactor Authentication: – the hosting tribunal published report affirm the use of multi-factor authentication as the greatest obstacle against data theft worldwide.
    Employ the Use of an Account Manager: – this will prevent websites that automatically sign you up to newsletters upon visits to them from spamming your email.