It’s 7th May, which means its World Password Day– a holiday created by Intel to remind us about how important it is to have solid passwords in place. These days we need a password for everything; whether it’s to open an online account, access emails, or even log onto Netflix.  But how many of us actually think about our passwords strength. We are all guilty of reusing the same password, and creating combinations around our birthdates, pets’ names and of course 123456.

Surprisingly 44% of us think that our accounts are not valuable enough to hack. Despite the news constantly telling us about data breaches as a result of weak passwords, we’re still using the same combination. So, if there is anything that we need to do today, it’s to snap out of our denial, and #LayerUp.

#LayerUp is a term used to remind us about adding strong authentication to our passwords. In addition to layering up, we also need to start practising good password hygiene to prevent us from becoming victims of identity theft and other cybercrimes.

What most people don’t realise is that a password is valuable to an attacker. Once an attacker has your password, they have access to your personal and business data. So, that’s why we’re giving you the essentials to ensure you practise good password hygiene.

The Best Practices to creating a Hacker-proof password:

  • Make it Long – Passwords should be a long as they can be. The longer the password, the harder it is for someone to crack. Many trusted industries recommend a minimum of 8 characters, whilst others say at least 12 characters.
  • Make it Complex –Using simple, predictable passwords are easy for hackers to guess. To make your passwords complex, use a combination of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters such as  !,@, &, %, +
  • Use Passphrases – Use a combination of words to create a stronger Passphrase. Try a sentence or acronym that only applies to you and is random. For example: My first job was at 1567 third street and I was a computer engineer = mfjw@1567tsaiwace
  • Change It Frequently – To maintain the health and practise good password hygiene, you need to change your passwords every 90 days.
  • Use a Password Manager- There are many options when it comes to a password manager but they will help you store and create long complex passwords and remember it for you.
  • Create Different Passwords – It’s a must to have a different password for different accounts. Never use the same password for multiple accounts. A password manager can help you keep them safe.

While World Password Day is celebrated once a year, it’s important to keep your personal and business life secure all year long. To help you remember these password essentials, Download The Essentials Toolkit!