When you look at the word “Human error”, it means unintentional actions – or lack of action – by employees and users that cause, spread or allow a security breach to take place.

These actions include anything from downloading malware via an infected email attachment to failing to use strong passwords to secure company accounts. With the current work from home situation, employees are using a variety of systems like collaboration tools, emails, screen sharing and so on which has multiple username and passwords.

If not made aware about the security risks, employees start taking shortcuts to make life easier for themselves, a simple example is using the same passwords for all accounts.

How Human Error Leads to Data Breaches

Social engineering plays a vital role when it comes to security breaches. It is a technique used to exploit employees into unknowingly handover data or credentials to the bad guys without them having to write a single line of malware code to exploit any software.

Cybercriminals are aware that high end security softwares shall only work if handled appropriately by humans. They are always waiting for human error to occur that can open the gateway into entire business network.

One of the biggest mistakes people are making right now is ignoring the software update buttons. Lots of people now days are failing to realise the importance of a software update. In addition, people are sharing or saving sensitive information on the cloud without any form of protection.

To instant communication and easy, many people are now sharing emails and messages from personal devices. If these small activities are overlooked, it can cost any business to suffer a lot.

 Let’s look at some examples of human error in business

1. Misdelivery

sending something to a wrong recipient. Let’s say an employee has to share a sensitive accounting document to Mr. Roy Regis the CFO but by mistake shares it with Mr. Roy Shergil. This is the most common threat to corporate data security.

2. Passwords

There’s a saying that humans and passwords don’t get along well. 45% of people reuse the password of their main email account on other services. Other weak practices include using simple passwords or writing it down on piece of paper, sharing passwords with colleagues without security.

3. Unpatched flaws

Cyber criminals are always looking for new ways to exploit software. If it’s not patched then they can easily gain access to the software and exploit other users in the business networks.

 4. Unauthorised access

Confidential information and credentials can be stolen or viewed by unauthorised persons if they gain access to secure premises.

Physical security is also a concern where employee leave sensitive information on a desk or meeting rooms. Anyone who gains access to the business premises can then just pick up the document and misuse it. 

So, why do people make these errors?

1. Lack of awareness

When employees are not trained on cybersecurity best practices such incidents are bound to happen.

Tip: Train employees with the basics of cybersecurity that they may encounter in their day-to-day work activities. Training on topics like email security, cloud security, malware, phishing should be given regularly.

2. Security culture

When a company doesn’t enforce security practices and push it to the background, it will lead to errors becoming a common practice.

Tip : Change the work culture, make sure your business is focused on security and all levels follow it.

3. Opportunity

Human error occurs only when opportunity or high access levels are given to employees which may sometime go wrong

 Tip  : Ensure that your users only have access to the data and functionality that they need to perform their roles.

 Make your employees the first line of defence and do not let them continue to remain the weakest link.

 Siccura Cybershield  – Cybersecurity Training Awareness Program

Reduce the risk of human errors by having the right cyber security awareness training in place.

Even with a robust data protection solution in place, cybercriminals can still try to pass them and operate inside your business networks. It only takes one simple mistake to occur for a cyberattack to be successful. Those simple mistakes are often created by people. To get your business ready, and your employees trained to face cyberattacks, it’s important to adopt cybersecurity awareness training programmes.

Siccura Cybershield is a cybersecurity awareness training program developed to help businesses instil a positive cybersecurity minded culture. The interactive training programme contains over 200 training modules to test and train employees into becoming your strongest defence. Our program will test; make aware and engage employees into become front line defenders against any type of cyberattack.

 Siccura Cybershield turns the workforce into a human cybershield.