Siccura – Private and Secure Digital Life

Siccura Mail Categories

We can help you with every step of using Siccura Mail from installing and setting up your account to using the solution.

Siccura Mail

We can help you with every step of using Siccura Mail from installing and setting up your account to using the solution.


We are Siccura. Founded in 2014 by a team of successful entrepreneurs who have a cmbined business experience of 150 years with outstanding past achievements including a historical IPI on the London FTSE 100, Europe’s Largest Stock Exchange.

Our talent tool is handpicked from a variety of industry sectors including wellness, media pharmaceuticals, education, finance and telecommunications.

Made in England, we have satellite offices in India and official resellers and data centre partners throughout the world.

Our journey started with a simple mission – PRIVATE AND SECURE DIGITAL LIFE FOR YOU AND YOUR BUSINESS.

Our journey started with a simple mission - Private and Secure digital life for you and business.

Siccura is a software solution borne out of the realisation that there wasn’t an existing solution that goes far enough to protect, secure and give people control of their digital content. As a result, we developed an extraordinary range of products that address these issues.

Our suite of solutions is adapted to mobile and desktop, and focuses on protecting email content, local, cloud storage, as well as third-party finance data generated.

All our solutions focus on ensuring that no matter what type of data, or wherever it goes, with or without your knowledge, you retain data privacy, security, and total control of it.

Siccura was developed on the principle that there aren’t that many solutions out there that are focused on protecting your data. Though there are Data Loss Protection (DLP) solutions or encryption-related software, the majority of these software do not protect the data. Siccura is a software solution that is borne out of this realisation. We’ve developed a series of products that address these issues. Our solutions are mobile and desktop friendly and focus on protecting email, local and cloud-stored data.

Our Siccura solutions are simple to use. Depending on the type of solution you have purchased, once the data is created, stored or shared, Siccura will simply work its magic by converting the data into an unrecognisable code that only those authorised can open and access it.

Siccura’s focus is purely on protecting the data from the moment it is created. Whilst other data protection solutions focus on,protecting data, the way in which the data is orotected does not give complete control to the users. That’s where Siccura is different, because the data is protected and remains in the hands of the owners.

Siccura protects everything you have created across the entire spectrum of communication. No matter how rich your data is- be it a simple message, a high-definition video or customer data, Siccura simply “boxes” it up and keeps it locked. You get the keys and you decide what can do what with it.

In today’s world, data is the new oil.  At Siccura, we understand that no matter whether the data is for business or personal use, it is of value. We also know that there are lots of software solutions out there that focus on data protection.  Whilst these solutions offer data protection, most of the solutions are either too complicated to use, only protect data whilst at transit or at rest, and the encryption keys used to protect the data is often held with the software company.

But Siccura is different, Siccura offers a range of solutions that focus on protecting the data at it’s core. We’ve developed a solution that simply generates a unique key that belongs to the user, which in turn locks any type of data that the user creates, stores or shares. We simply give the key to the user, and they remain in control of that content. So no matter where the data goes, whether its with your permission or without, you are always in control.

Privacy & Security

Siccura provides maximum protection over any type of data. Using cutting edge technology techniques such as AES 256 and RSA 2048 algothrims, Siccura transforms the data into an illegible stream of characters that can only by unlocked by the owner of the content.

For that added layer of protection, each file is encrypted with a randomly generated Symmetic key including salt value which enhances its secure nature even further.

We believe that privacy is not a feature, but a human right.  In today’s digital world, there are too many services out there that we consume in order to connect, learn, and engage whilst on the go. Whilst technology has given us the freedom to go beyond our physical environment, it has come with a price. Majority of the services we use take our data without us realising.

That’s why we’re on a mission to ensure that everyone whether its an individual or a business lives a private and secure digital life.  Driven by this mission, we’ve developed a product that is designed to protect and secure user’s commmunication and data. We hold  a Zero-Knowledge policy as we belive that all communications and data should remain in the hands of the users.  Each one of our solutions is developed and built on  the single principle of giving control back to its users.

No, the government cannot read your protected communication or data files unless it has the encryption keys.

Siccura uses the most advanced encryption available. It uses a proprietary method of encryption, which means that we do not have access to your emails, data files or communications that are sent or received through the services. Siccura cannot read your content as we do not have it - and others (including the Govenment) will not be able to read your data because the keys remain in your possession.

The architectural design of Siccura follows a “Trust No One” policy which is similar to platforms designed like Cryptocurrencies. Your “Private Key” is in Absolute control. Every piece of data is locked by a unique dynamic key that even NASA cannot break. 

In short, Siccura’s method of securing your data ensures that even Siccura cannot read or access your data.

If Siccura receives a request from the United Kingdom Government for your encryption keys, then we will require the government to go to court, and if we can we will notify you.

If we receive a request from the UK government, we will respond by saying that we will not comply with any request other than a court order from a court with Jurisdiction over us. We will then notify you that we have received such request unless we are prohibited by law from doing so, so that you may have an opportunity to defend your rights to keep your data confidential.

Siccura is a data protection solution that is developed to protect, secure and give individuals and business owners total control of their data. Our solution was developed using advanced security protocols in encryption to ensure that your data is completely locked, and only accessible to you, and those you authorise to access it. Without going into the technical details, we use end-to-end encryption to keep your data protected at all times, whether it is being created, shared, or stored.  Our security protocols ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of shared is shared through the platform

No, Siccura will not be able to read any of your communications or data that you create, share or upload through the solutions. Our suite of solutions are simply designed to protect your data that is in any format. We simply lock your information with a key that is uniquely created for you, and give it to you.

In today’s digital landscape, protecting data is essential. Encryption secures messages by transforming them into an unreadable, unique string of characters using complex algothrims, thus allowing only authorised people with the right key to access confidential information.

Siccura provides maximum protection for data using two cutting-edge encryption techniques – AES 256 and RSA 2048. Our techniques utilise complex algothrims to ensure all types of data are transformed into an illegible stream of characters with a unique key required to unlock the content. For added protection, each file is encrypted with a randomly generated Symmetic key including salt value which enhances its secure nature even further.

Siccura is developed to protect all types of data. No matter how rich your data is, you will be able to protect it.

Siccura is a data security company that offers various solutions to protect sensitive information. To keep data private and secure, Siccura employs several measures:

  • Encryption: Encryption ensures that data is protected by converting it into an unrecognisable language. It can only be deciphered by authorised parties. Siccura uses advanced encryption algorithms to ensure that data is protected at rest, and in transit.
  • Access Controls: Once you pass data through Siccura, the software keeps it lock and in view only mode. Recipients cannot do anything with the data without your permission.

To maintain the integrity of your data, Siccura continues to keep your data locked and in view only mode, even wit non-Siccura users. To retain the control, Siccura uses multi- factor authenticaton to ensure that only authorised individuals can access the sensitive data. This  includes non-Siccura users having to verify their identity with a username and password.

What’s more you remain in total control as everything you do is tracked in the Audit Trail. Audit Trail keeps a record of all activities from who, what, where and how the information is accessed. So no matter, where you are, or where your data goes, with or without your knowledge, you remain in control.

Product General

Siccura Mail is a mobile and desktop solution that keeps emails private ad secure. The solution connects with any third-party or privately hosted email account so you do not need to worry about changing your service provider.

Siccura Mail works with major email providers such as Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook and privately hosted emails.

We all know that emails contain sensitive and confidential data such as financial information, customer data, passwords, bank details, employee records, legal documents, and the list goes on. But imagine is those emails are sent or forwarded to the wrong person, or perhaps your email server is hacked? What about if a recipient misuses the contents of the email? The list of potential disasters arising from emails is huge. That’s where Siccura Mail can help. The software keeps Emails sent and received in a business and personal setting private and secure. What’s more if you are a business owner, you don’t have to worry about the types of emails your employees are sending as you are in total control.

With Siccura Mail, no matter where your data goes, with or without your knoweldge, you’ll receive protection, control and audits 24/7.

The privacy and security of our customers’ communication and data is our utmost priority. That’s why we’ve ensured we use techniques that keeps your data on emails private, secure and in your control. Here’s how.

  • Advanced security: Using a combination of AES 256 and RSA 2048 encryption techniques to keep all emails whether sent  and received protected. The encryption techniques used convert the data into an illegible stream of characters with a unique key that remains in the owner’s control.
  • Content Management Controls:  No matter where your emails go, you’ll remain in full control, as recipients will not be able to download, edit, copy, forward or delete without your permission.
  • 24/7 Track and monitor: Always stay in control of where your emails go. Track and monitor, who, what, where and when your emails are accessed, shared or opened.

Siccura Mail uses two forms of encryption when it comes to protecting your emails. 

Our solution combines  256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) to encrypt email content and their attachments. AES is a widely accepted encryption standard that is highly secure and robust. It uses a symmetric encryption algorithm, which means that the same key is used for both encryption and decryption of data. These keys are secured with users Private Asymmetric RSA 2048-bit keys.

Siccura Mail uses 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) to encrypt email messages and their attachments. AES is a widely accepted encryption standard that is highly secure and robust. It uses a symmetric encryption algorithm, which means that the same key is used for both encryption and decryption of data. These keys are secured with users Private Asymmetric RSA 2048-bit keys.

In addition, Siccura Mail also employs other security measures such as secure communication channels, multi-factor authentication, access controls, and audit trails to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of email messages and attachments. These measures work together to provide a comprehensive security solution that helps protect sensitive data from unauthorized access, interception, and data breaches.

Siccura Mail encrypts and decrypts emails on the user’s software. Therefore, we do not store data on the Siccura server. However when a user sends an encrypted email to a non-Siccura user through Siccura, then a copy of that data remains in the server. As part of our stance on data privacy, we have a data retention policy which outlines how long data is stored on our servers. In this policy, we outline that data is only stored for as long as necessary and is deleted when it is no longer required. As part of data protection, and your privacy, any encrypted email content created through the solution is stored encrypted on the Siccura server.

No one can access your data, except you and those who have permission to read your emails.

Siccura and Anti-virus solutions serve different purposes when it comes to data protection.

An Anti-virus software primarily focuses on identifying and removing malware, viruses and other malicious software that can infect your computer or device.  It It typically works by scanning files and programs for signatures or patterns that match known threats. Anti-virus software can also prevent infections by blocking known malicious websites and downloads.

Siccura, on the other hand, protects the data no matter where it is created, shared or stored. Siccura provides end-to-end encryption to secure data in transit and at rest, secure messaging, secure file sharing, and Secure data backup and recovery solutions. Siccura also offers tools for managing and controlling employees access to data, as well as for securely burn data from employee devices when necessary.

In short, an anti-virus software focuses on identifying and removing malware and viruses,  whereas Siccura focuses on protecting data from potential threats such as copying, forwarding, downloading, editing as well as corruption from cyber attacks.

Siccura and  Firewall are two different types of security measures with different functionalists.

Siccura is a data protection platform that offers end-to-end encryption, secure file sharing, and secure messaging to protect sensitive data from unauthorized access, interception, and breach. It uses encryption algorithms to encrypt data before it is transmitted, ensuring that only authorized parties with the decryption key can access the data. Siccura also provides access controls, audit trails, and other security features to ensure that data is only accessed by authorized users.

A Firewall, on the other hand, is a network security system that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predefined security rules. It serves as a barrier between a private network and the public internet to prevent unauthorized access and potential attacks. Firewalls are designed to detect and block suspicious traffic and can be configured to allow or deny access to specific applications or services based on specific criteria. Firewalls are an essential component of network security, protecting against unauthorized access and potential attacks.

In summary, Siccura focuses on protecting data at rest and in transit, while firewalls focus on protecting the network from unauthorized access and attacks.

Siccura is a Software solution that can be installed on various operating systems such as Windows, iOS, and Android.

Siccura File is available as a Software application for Android, IOS, Windows operating systems.

Siccura Guard is available as a desktop application for Windows operating systems.

Siccura Mail is available as a desktop application for Windows (Version 10, 11) and for Mobile Android (OS 10+ ) and  IOS (OS 15+) operating systems.

At the moment, Siccura is not available for mac-OS. It is only available for Windows operating systems.

Our development team are working on these versions.

Siccura currently does not support Linux operating systems. The solutions are only available on Windows,  MAC , Android and IOS.

We plan to roll out a Linux version in the near future.

Yes, Siccura Mail is available for download on mobile devices. It can be downloaded from the App Store for iOS devices and from the Google Play Store for Android devices.

Siccura does not directly protect data on third-party chat applications such as WhatsApp. However, Siccura File can be used to securely store and transfer files, including those received or sent through chat applications. Additionally, Siccura Mail can be used as a secure email platform to communicate with others, including sending and receiving files.

Siccura Mail takes several measures to ensure that your data is kept private and secure, and that only authorized parties can access it. Here are some of the ways in which you can be sure that Siccura Mail does not see or store your data:

  • Encryption: Siccura Mail uses Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) to encrypt your email messages and attachments both at rest and in transit. This ensures that even if the data is intercepted or accessed without authorization, it cannot be deciphered.
  • Zero-knowledge architecture: Siccura Mail uses a zero-knowledge architecture, which means that only you have access to your encryption keys. This ensures that your data is completely private, and that Siccura Mail cannot access it without your authorization.
  • No data mining: Siccura Mail does not engage in data mining, which means that it does not scan or analyze your email messages for any purpose.
  • No third-party access: Siccura Mail does not provide access to your data to any third parties.
  • Data retention policy: Siccura Mail has a strict data retention policy that outlines how long your data is stored on its servers. This policy ensures that your data is deleted when it is no longer needed.

Overall, by using encryption, a zero-knowledge architecture, no data mining, no third-party access, and a data retention policy, Siccura Mail ensures that your data is kept private and secure, and that only you have access to it.

Siccura Mail uses a zero-knowledge architecture, which means that only you have access to your encryption keys. When you create a Siccura Mail account, your encryption keys are generated on your device and are stored locally on your device. The keys are not shared with Siccura Mail or any other third-party service. This ensures that only you can access your data and that it is not vulnerable to unauthorized access or interception.

The user RSA keys are securing AES encryption keys which are used to encrypt and decrypt your email messages and attachments both at rest and in transit. When you send an email message, it is encrypted on your device using your AES encryption key before being transmitted to your email service provider. When the recipient receives the email, it is decrypted on their device using their copy of encryption keys.

By using a zero-knowledge architecture, Siccura Mail ensures that your data is kept private and secure, and that only you have access to it.

Yes, the public-private key model used by Siccura Mail provides a high level of security for email communication. It ensures that only authorized parties can access the contents of email messages and attachments, and that the data is protected from interception and unauthorized access. The public-private key model to encrypt and decrypt email messages and attachments. When you create a Siccura Mail account, a public-private key pair is generated on your device. The public-private key is used to encrypt AES keys which secures clients email messages and attachments before they are sent to Client email's servers, while the private key is used to decrypt the AES keys of each message and attachments when you receive them.

The public key is shared with anyone who wants to send you an encrypted email message. When a sender wants to send you an encrypted email, they use your public key to encrypt the message and attachments before sending them to Siccura Mail's servers. Only you, with your private key, can decrypt the message and read its contents.

Siccura Mail protects any type of communication, including attachments you send or receives through emails.

No, Siccura Mail does not includes a spam filter that automatically blocks unwanted and suspicious emails.

Yes, through Siccura you have the ability to get real-time insights into what’s happening in the business when it comes to your data. Siccura has a variety of features that are designed to give you complete visibility.

Here are some of the ways in which Siccura keeps a track of your data and what employees can do with it.

  • Audit Trail: Siccura can log and track various activities performed by your employees. So no matter the type of data, whether its an email, file or something else, you’ll have 24/7 insights into exactly who, what, where and when your data is accessed, shared or viewed. This information can help you monitor the actions taken by employees with regards to company data and resources.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Siccura provides reporting and analytics capabilities, allowing you to generate customized reports and gain insights into employee activities. These reports can include details about file access, sharing, and modifications, enabling you to identify any suspicious or non-compliant behavior.
  • User Permissions and Access Controls: Siccura allows you to set user permissions and access controls, defining the level of access employees have to specific data or resources. By configuring these permissions, you can restrict or grant access based on job roles and responsibilities, ensuring that employees only have access to the information necessary for their work.

It's important to note that while Siccura can help track and monitor employee activities, it is crucial to establish clear policies and communicate them to employees to maintain transparency.

The password for the Private Area is securely stored in an encrypted format within the local database. This encryption ensures that the password remains protected. Furthermore, the password is secured using the user's private keys, which means that neither Siccura nor its team members have access to the password or the Private Area. This ensures the utmost security and privacy for the users' confidential information.

Siccura clients' Private keys are stored securely on their own devices in a protected location. The storage process involves a secure encryption procedure, with the client's Password being one of the dynamic parameters used to enhance key security.

Private keys of non-Siccura clients are stored on the Siccura content Key server. To ensure the utmost security, these keys are protected using a Random password security mechanism.

We understand that there are times in a business where you ill need additional support to help you manage and control what employees can do in the business through the software. That’s why Siccura has a flexible structure that allows you to assign different administrator roles to multiple people in the organisation.

You can create multiple administrators through the Siccura Admin panel. From this area, you can create distinct Admin groups such as admins who are solely responsible for managing content rights, to those responsible for setting up employees into the system.

Admin groups can be assigned to specific employee groups, ensuring that the right level of administrative access is granted based on your organisations requirements.

This capability empowers Administrators to effectively delegate responsibilities, streamline management processes, and maintain a secure and efficient administrative environment within Siccura.

Product Usage

No, you don’t need to change your email addresses. You can connect your existing email accounts to Siccura Mail. 

Yes, you can send a protected email to recipients who do have Siccura Mail.
If you are using a business version of Siccura Mail, you need to be given rights from the Admin to send emails to recipients who do not use Siccura Mail.
Watch this simple video to learn more.

How can you send a protected email to a Non-Siccura user?

Yes, by default the email goes with View Only rights and the recipient cannot do anything with the email body content and attachments unless you give the rights.
Watch this simple video to learn more.

How every piece of information created within Siccura is by default locked with encryption and View only?

Yes, you can update the user permissions after you have sent a mail
Watch this simple video to learn more about it.

How can you apply or remove privacy rights for specific content shared with Siccura and Non-Siccura users?

Siccura provides users with the ability to activate “Burn”. Burn is a feature within the software that allows users, whether it’s personal or business users to erase and remove Siccura data access from a specific device. This is particularly useful in situations where a device is lost, stolen or given for repair.

There are many ways to activate this feature, depending on whether you are a personal or business user.

For Business users:

To activate “Burn”, and thus remove access to the secured data from a specific device, follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Log in to Admin App, go to Employee Management.
  2. Click on Set Up Employees
  3. Click on a specific employee name
  4. On the right hand side, you’ll see Device Management
  5. Click on it, and you’ll see a list of devices that employee is using
  6. Click on the 3 dots, followed by Device Burn

Once this is activated, the system will send a burn signal to that specific device. The Siccura data that the device is installed on will be deleted. By activating this feature, you are deleting the RSA (Public private encryption keys). Therefore, if anyone where to open the software, they will not be able to open any of the emails or files they are trying to access from that device.

For Personal users:

For personal users of My Siccura, or other single subscription solutions, the process slightly differs.  Follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Visit the website,
  2. Go to Support, followed by Activate Burn Account
  3. Enter the mobile number used to register onto the software
  4. Enter the Verification Code (OTP) received via SMS
  5. Select the device you wish to activate Burn on from the device list.
  6. Now click on Burn Request

No, Siccura does not provide a feature to block employees from adding recipients in the BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) field, however, through the admin panel, you can control which employees can send emails to a particular contact list.

You can prevent by sharing your files with “View Only“ rights which is always on by default, unless you decide to give privacy permissions.
Watch this simple video to learn more.

How can you send a protected email to a Non-Siccura User?

Yes, if you are on a personal version of Siccura, you will be able to send emails to those who are not Siccura users. If, however, you are using Siccura Mail in a business, then you will need to contact your Admin to grant you permission through the system to send emails to contacts who are outside of the network.
Watch this simple video to learn more.
How can you send a protected email to a Non-Siccura user?

Yes, you can create an Sending email blacklist on Siccura Mail. This allows you to block specific or any email addresses or domains from sending emails from employees. To set up an email blacklist, you can follow these steps:

  • Log in to your Siccura Mail Admin account.
  • Click on the "Employee Management" icon  located in the left menu of the screen.
  • Select "Setup Employees" from the list of options.
  • Go to Employee name which you will find in employee List or search by employee name and select Employee 
  • Click on "Grant rights to send external emails" Option.
  • Select the user you want to allow to send by selecting emails or by domain for Internal organisation, or External specific Siccura or Non Siccura users.
  • Click on "Apply on External Users" and Save and Close this Window

The employee’s privacy setting will automatically apply.

Once the settings are activated, the employees will only be able to send emails to specific users. Therefore, you do not need to worry about your business data being shared with unknown external contacts.

Yes, you can decide who is allowed to forward any emails outside your organisation. You can disable the “Allow Forward/Share” toggle button against the users by going to “UCP” in Siccura admin.
Watch these simples videos to learn more.
Understanding Grant Rights to Send External Emails Feature - Part 1

Understanding Grant Rights to Send External Emails Feature - Part 2

Siccura provides users with the ability to activate “Burn”. Burn is a feature within the software that allows users, whether it’s personal or business users to erase and remove Siccura data access from a specific device. This is particularly useful in situations where a device is lost, stolen or given for repair.

To activate “Burn”, please follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Log in to Admin App, go to Employee Management.
  2. Click on Set Up Employees
  3. Click on a specific employee name
  4. On the right hand side, you’ll see Device Management
  5. Click on it, and you’ll see a list of devices that employee is using
  6. Click on the 3 dots, followed by Device Burn

Once this is activated, the system will send a burn signal to that specific device. The Siccura data that the device is installed on will be deleted. By activating this feature, you are deleting the RSA (Public private encryption keys). Therefore, if anyone where to open the software, they will not be able to open any of the emails or files they are trying to access from that device.

Admin can also disable  the employee’s account by deactivating it. Once the admin deactivates an account, the RSA keys will be deleted from all devices which the employee is using Siccura in. 

Siccura provides Audit Trail, which is a premium feature. To activate this feature you’ll need to subscribe to the feature, or it may be included in your package.

Once the user enables this feature, by default it will start to track all activities and the administrator will be able to view this information on the Dashboard in the Siccura admin panel.

Private Area inside Siccura allows you to transfer certain confidential information into a password protected area within the application. This is particularly useful when sharing devices, or software accounts.  Through Siccura, you can transfer emails and files into a password locked area.

To set up the Private Area in your application, follow the steps outlined below:

  • Click on the 9 dots menu and open “Settings”.
  • Navigate to "Privacy settings" and then go to "App Password Manager".
  • Enter your password, and you will see the "Password Recovery Details"
  • Click on "Setup Private Area Password".
  • Personal users need to provide their mobile number, while work users need to provide their email address for recovery purposes.
  • Once you have set up your Private Area password, your account will be automatically configured.

The Private Area feature offers enhanced privacy and security for sensitive emails and files, allowing users to have more control over their confidential information within Siccura.

Since Siccura focuses on protecting your data, your data is locked and protected by a set of keys. There may be times where you have lost your device, or have purchased a new device and now need to transfer Siccura onto a new one. In order for you to do that you will need to a take a backup of your keys.
As a user, you have the option to store the backup on your local device, USB storage, cloud or an other secure location of your choice. By taking a backup of your keys and having it in your control, you get peace of mind

Billings & Subscriptions

You can purchase Siccura Mail directly from their website. Here's how:

Go to Siccura Mail's website (

  • Click on the "Store" button in the top menu. Choose product Personal user or Business use.
  • Click on "Ready to Buy" button against product
  • Choose the plan that best fits your needs. Siccura Mail offers different plans with different features.
  • Click on the "Buy Now" button for the plan you want to purchase.
  • Fill out the registration form with your personal and payment information.
  • Review the terms and conditions and click on the "Agree" button.
  • Click on the "Purchase" or "Pay Now" button to complete your purchase.
  • Once your payment is processed, you will receive an email with instructions on how to set up your Siccura Mail account and start using the service.

If you have any questions or need assistance with your purchase, you can contact our customer support team or start a live webchat.

Siccura Mail offers plans for both individual users and businesses, with different pricing and features. There is no limit to the number of users you can purchase Siccura Mail for.

For individual users, you can purchase a single-user plan that is designed for personal use. If you want to purchase Siccura Mail for multiple users in a business or organization, you can choose the Business Plan, which allows you to add multiple users to your account and manage them from a central Admin Control.

The number of users you can add to your Siccura Mail account depends on the plan you choose. For example, the Individual Plan is designed for a single user, while the Business Plan allows you to add multiple users based on the number of licenses you purchase.

If you have any questions or need assistance with purchasing a Siccura Mail plan for multiple users, you can contact Siccura Mail's customer support team via email or live chat on their website. They can help you choose the best plan and pricing options for your specific needs.

Siccura Mail accepts various payment methods, including:

For India

  • Credit or Debit Card: You can use Visa, Mastercard, American Express, or Discover to make a payment.
  • Wallet: You can use Paytm, Bhim and Google Pay
  • Bank Transfer (NEFT/ IMPS) : Siccura Mail also accepts payment via bank transfer. You will need to contact their customer support team for more information on how to make a payment through bank transfer.

For International (Other than India)

  • Credit or Debit Card: You can use Visa, Mastercard, American Express, or Discover to make a payment.
  • PayPal: If you have a PayPal account, you can use it to pay for your Siccura Mail plan.
  • The payment methods available to you may vary depending on your location and the plan you choose. You can choose your preferred payment method during the checkout process on Siccura Mail's website.

If you have any questions or need assistance with making a payment, you can contact Siccura Mail's customer support team via email or live chat on their website. They can help you with any payment-related queries or issues you may have.

Yes, you can switch to a different plan at any time with Siccura Mail. If you need to upgrade or downgrade your plan, you can do so by following these steps:

  • Log in to your Siccura Mail account.
  • Click on the "Settings" or "Account" tab in the top menu.
  • Select the "Billing" or "Subscription" option.
  • Choose the plan you want to switch to and click on the "Upgrade" or "Downgrade" button.
  • Follow the prompts to confirm your selection and update your payment information if necessary.

Once your plan is updated, your new plan will be effective immediately and your billing will be adjusted accordingly. If you upgrade to a higher-tier plan, you may need to pay the difference in price between your old and new plans for the remaining billing period.

If you have any questions or need assistance with switching to a different plan, you can contact Siccura Mail's customer support team via email or live chat on their website. They can help you with any plan-related queries or issues you may have.

Yes, Siccura Mail subscriptions automatically renew at the end of each billing cycle, unless you cancel your subscription before the renewal date.

When you purchase a Siccura Mail subscription, you will be asked to provide your payment information and select the length of your subscription term (e.g., monthly, or yearly). At the end of each term, your subscription will automatically renew, and you will be charged for the next billing period.

If you want to cancel your subscription and prevent it from automatically renewing, you will need to do so before the renewal date. You can cancel your subscription by logging into your account, navigating to the billing section, and following the prompts to cancel your subscription. Alternatively, you can contact the customer support team via email: [email protected]

It's important to note that if you cancel your subscription before the end of the current billing period.

To cancel your Siccura Mail subscription, you can follow these steps:

  • Log in to your Siccura Mail account.
  • Click on the "Settings" or "Account" tab in the top menu.
  • Select the "Billing" or "Subscription" option.
  • Click on the "Cancel Subscription" button.
  • Follow the prompts to confirm your cancellation.

Alternatively, you can contact Siccura Mail's customer support team via email or live chat on their website and request to cancel your subscription. They will guide you through the process and assist you with any questions or issues you may have.

It's important to note that if you cancel your subscription before the end of the current billing period, you will not receive a refund for any unused portion of your subscription. Once your subscription is canceled, your account will be downgraded to the free plan, and you will lose access to any premium features and services provided by your previous subscription plan.

Siccura Mail offers both free and paid subscription plans. The free plan provides basic email encryption features, while the paid plans offer more advanced features and services.

Here are the subscription plans offered by Siccura Mail:

  • Free Plan: The free plan provides basic email encryption features, including end-to-end encryption, secure attachments, and message expiration. This plan is limited to a maximum of X emails per month.
  • Paid Plan: The Basic plan costs GBP 3 per month or GBP30 per year and provides additional features such as unlimited emails, a custom domain, and basic support.

All subscription plans offer end-to-end encryption and secure file attachments, and they can be purchased for individual or multiple users. The paid plans also offer a 30-day free trial period, so you can try them out before committing to a subscription.

Yes, Siccura Mail offers a 30-day free trial period for all its paid subscription plans. This allows you to test out the advanced features and services provided by the paid plans before committing to a subscription. During the free trial period, you will have access to all the features and services included in your selected plan.

To sign up for a free trial, simply visit the Siccura Mail website and select the plan you're interested in. You will be prompted to create an account and provide your Promo code which you will receive in email once you make an Enquiry.

You will not be charged until the end of trial period. If you decide to cancel your subscription during the trial period, you will not be charged and your account will be disabled.

Our Trial periods range from a period of 14-30 days depending on your needs. If you would like a longer trial period, please speak to our sales team for assistance.

We understand that evaluating a new product takes time, and that’s why we offer trials on a 14 day to 30 day basis. However, we also appreciate that you might be in a situation where you require more time to evaluate our solution. If you find yourself in that position, please contact your sales account manager to look into the possibility to extend your trial, or provide additional resources to help you evaluate the solution.

No, you will not be automatically billed once your trial period ends. At the end of your trial, your account will be deactivated, and you will no longer have access to the features and functionality of Siccura Mail.

If you decide to continue using our service after your trial, you can subscribe to one of our paid plans and reactivate your account. We do not automatically charge you for any plan without your explicit consent and payment information.

The number of users that can be activated on a trial based on case to case basic. We offer different trial plans with varying levels of features and functionality, and some plans may be limited to a certain number of users.

When you sign up for the trial, we will provide you with information about the specific plan you have selected, including any limitations on the number of users who can access the trial.

If you have any questions about the trial or the number of users who can participate, please contact our Sales team for assistance.

Yes, you can cancel your subscription to Siccura Mail at any time. We believe in providing our customers with the flexibility to choose the plan that best suits their needs, and that includes the ability to cancel their subscription if they no longer require our service.

If you decide to cancel your subscription, you can do so from within your Siccura Mail account, or by contacting our support team.

Please note that cancellation may be subject to certain terms and conditions outlined in our subscription agreement.

Yes, you can switch your subscription plan mid-way through your subscription term. If you find that your needs have changed and you require a different plan with more or fewer features, you can upgrade or downgrade your plan accordingly. You can make these changes from within your Siccura Mail account, or by contacting our Sales team for assistance.

Please note that any changes to your subscription plan may be subject to certain terms and conditions outlined in our subscription agreement, including peroration of fees and billing cycle adjustments.

At Siccura, we want our customers to be completely satisfied with our service. If for any reason you are not satisfied with your subscription, we offer a refund policy for our annual plans. If you cancel your subscription within 30 days of the start of your annual subscription, you will be entitled to a full refund of your subscription fees. However, if you cancel your subscription after the 30-day period, we will not be able to offer a refund.

For monthly subscriptions, we do not offer refunds, but you are free to cancel your subscription at any time. If you cancel your subscription mid-billing cycle, you will be charged for the remainder of the billing cycle, and your subscription will be deactivated at the end of that cycle.

If you have any questions about our refund policy or need assistance with canceling your subscription, please contact our support team.

If you have subscribed to an annual plan and wish to request a refund, you may do so within 15 days of the start of your subscription. After the 15-day period, we will not be able to offer a refund. However, if you started with Trial Plan then you are not eligible for refund.

For monthly subscriptions, we do not offer refunds, but you are free to cancel your subscription at any time. If you cancel your subscription mid-billing cycle, you will be charged for the remainder of the billing cycle, and your subscription will be deactivated at the end of that cycle.

If you have any questions about our refund policy or need assistance with cancelling your subscription, please contact our support team.

If you have decided to cancel your subscription to Siccura, you can do so at any time by following these steps:

  • Log in to your Siccura Mail account
  • Click on your account icon in the top right corner of the page
  • Select "Billing" from the drop-down menu
  • Click on the "Cancel Subscription" button
  • Follow the prompts to confirm your cancellation

Please note that if you cancel your subscription mid-billing cycle, you will still be charged for the remainder of the billing cycle, and your subscription will be deactivated at the end of that cycle.

If you have any trouble canceling your subscription, or if you have any questions about the cancellation process, please contact our support team for assistance.

Yes, you can upgrade your subscription plan at any time by following these steps:

  • Log in to your Siccura Mail account.
  • Go to your account page.
  • Select "Billing" from the drop-down menu.
  • Click on the "Upgrade Plan" button.
  • Choose the new plan that you would like to switch to.
  • Follow the prompts to complete the upgrade process.

Once you have upgraded your plan, your account will be charged based on the new plan's pricing structure. Please note that any changes to your billing will take effect immediately, and you will be billed for the prorated difference between your old plan and your new plan.

If you have any questions or issues with upgrading your subscription plan, please contact our support team for assistance.

If you do not renew your subscription plan with Siccura, your account will be deactivated and you will have access to old data which you have secured with Siccura, the ability to secure new data will not be available. However, your data keys will not be immediately deleted and will remain in our system for a period of time in case you decide to renew your subscription in the future. It is recommended to take backup of your keys before the subscription ends. You can do this by exporting your data from Siccura Mail to another email client or file format.

If you have any questions or concerns about the deactivation of your account and the retention of your data, please contact our support team for assistance.

To know how to take a back up of your keys, click here.

The grace period for refunds may vary depending on the subscription plan and the specific circumstances of the request. Generally, Siccura Mail offers a 14-day money-back guarantee for all new subscriptions, which allows you to cancel your subscription and receive a full refund within 14 days of your initial purchase.

However, please note that certain restrictions may apply, such as refunds not being available for purchases made through a third-party reseller. It is recommended to review our refund policy or contact our customer support team for more information regarding the specific terms and conditions that apply to your subscription.

If you decide to request a refund, please be sure to follow the necessary steps outlined in our refund policy to ensure that your request is processed promptly and efficiently.

Installation & Set Up

Siccura Mail works on Windows(above version 10, Android and IOS).

Siccura Mail is available to download and use on Windows Operating systems version 10 and 11.

Yes, you can migrate your existing email clients to Siccura Mail.

Siccura Mail is available to download and install on your device from the website.

Watch the video below to find out how to download and install  the software.

If you don’t want to switch from Outlook to the independent Siccura Desktop client, you can successfully install the Siccura Mail Outlook plug-in.

Watch the simple video below to see how you can set up the Admin panel and activate an administrator.

Watch this simple video to see how you can create a user in the Admin panel.

Watch this simple video to learn how to create and assign a unique pin to your users.

Watch this simple video to find out how to activate a new user though the Admin panel.

Watch this simple video to learn how to set up email domains, configure email accounts and assign them to your business users.

Watch this simple video to find out how to set up and manage devices in the admin panel to provide access to Siccura.

Watch this simple video to find out how to set up a user in Siccura, and configure their business email account with the software.

The standard IMAP settings for a Microsoft Exchange server are as follows:

Incoming Mail Server (IMAP):

  • Server: Typically, the server address is in the format "" or "" where "" represents your email domain
  • Port: The standard IMAP port is 143 for non-encrypted connections.
  • Encryption: START /TLS is commonly used for secure encrypted connections. Some servers may also support SSL/TLS encryption, in which case you would use port 993
  • Username: Your email address or username associated with your Exchange account.
  • Password: The password for your Exchange account.

Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP):

  • Server: Typically, the server address is in the format "" or "" where "" represents your email domain.
  • Port: The standard SMTP port is 25 for non-encrypted connections. However, some ISPs and networks may block port 25, so you may need to use an alternative port such as 587 or 2525.
  • Encryption: START TLS or SSL/TLS encryption is commonly used for secure outgoing connections.
  • Authentication: Enable authentication and use the same username and password as your incoming mail server.

Please note that these settings can vary depending on the specific configuration of your Microsoft Exchange server. It's recommended to consult with your company’s IT department or email administrator to obtain the accurate standard IMAP settings for your Microsoft Exchange server.

To find the IMAP and POP3 settings for your domain, you can follow these general steps:

  1. Identify the email service provider or hosting provider for your domain. This could be a company that provides email services or the company that hosts your domain and email.
  2. Visit the website of your email service provider or hosting provider and log in to your account.
  3. Look for the email or domain management section within your account dashboard. This section may be labeled as "Email Settings," "Mail Settings," "Email Configuration," or something similar.
  4. In the email settings section, you should find the option to manage your email accounts or view the account settings.
  5. Locate the specific email account for which you want to find the server settings.
  6. Within the account settings, you should see options for both IMAP and POP3 settings. Look for fields or tabs labeled "IMAP Settings" or "POP3 Settings."

Note down the server addresses for incoming mail (IMAP or POP3) and outgoing mail (SMTP), as well as the port numbers and any security settings (such as SSL/TLS).

If you need further assistance or specific instructions, you can check the documentation or support resources provided by your email service provider or hosting provider.

Please note that the exact steps and location of the settings may vary depending on your email service provider or hosting provider. It's always best to refer to their official documentation, support resources, or contact their support directly for accurate and up-to-date information regarding your domain's IMAP and POP3 settings.

To find the IMAP or POP3 settings from the Outlook desktop application, follow the steps mentioned below:

  • Open the Outlook application on your desktop.
  • Click on the "File" tab located at the top left corner of the window.
  • In the File menu, click on "Account Settings" and then select "Account Settings" again from the dropdown menu.
  • In the Account Settings window, select the email account for which you want to find the server settings.
  • Click on the "Change" button located above the list of email accounts.
  • In the Change Account window, you will see the account type listed as either "IMAP" or "POP3".
  • To view the server settings, click on the "More Settings" button.
  • In the Internet Email Settings window, go to the "Advanced" tab.
  • Here, you will find the server settings, including the server addresses for incoming and outgoing mail (IMAP or POP3), port numbers, and encryption settings.
  • Note down the server settings for future reference or for configuring another email client.

Please note that the steps above are for the Outlook desktop application and may vary slightly depending on the version of Outlook you are using.

Learn As You Go

To start using Siccura Mail, you’ll need to purchase and install the software on your device. Follow the instructions below to help you get started.

Step 1 - Purchase Siccura Mail Software:

Step 2 - Enter Promocode:

  • If you have been given a Promo Code from the support team, enter it here.
  • Click "Submit" to apply the code, otherwise click on "Skip".

Step 3 - Specify Number of Users:

  • Enter the number of users you want to purchase licenses for.

Step 4 - Email and OTP Verification:

  • Provide your email address for the purchase.
  • Re-enter your email address to confirm.
  • You'll receive an OTP (One-Time Password) on your email address.
  • Enter the OTP and click "Verify OTP."

Step 5 - Purchase Confirmation:

  • You have now successfully purchased Siccura Mail accounts for the specified number of users.
  • Click "Proceed with Registration."

Step 6 - Registration Form:

  • Fill in the registration form with all the required details.

Step 7 - Submission:

  • After completing the form, click "Submit."

Step 8 - Software Download:

  • You will be redirected to the software download page.
  • Click on the "64bit" link to download the software.

Step 9 - Installation:

  • Check your Downloads folder for the software installation file.
  • Run the installation file to install Siccura Mail Software.


Before you can send and receive secure emails with Siccura Mail, you’ll need to download and install the solution.

Watch the video below to see how to download and install Siccura Mail to keep your business emails private and secure.


Before your company can start to send and receive private and secure emails, you’ll need to set up the Siccura Admin panel, and activate an administrator. A Siccura administrator will be able to set up, and manage users to ensure that your business continues to keep their data private and secure.

Watch the video below to see how to set up the admin panel, and activate an admin user.


Once you have set up your admin panel and an administrator account is activated, you’ll be able to start adding your employees as users into the panel.

Watch the video below to see how to start adding employees as users through the admin panel.


Before your employees can start using Siccura Mail, you’ll need to ensure that you create and assign a unique pin for each one. By creating and assigning a unique pin in the system, you are giving each employee a user identity.  This is an essential step in order to ensure that all employees are configured and a unique pin is assigned to each one.

Watch the video below to see how to create and assign a unique pin to a user through the admin panel.


Once the employee profiles and unique pins are assigned, you’ll need to activate the user. Once you have activated the user, they will be able to download and install Siccura Mail on their device.

Watch the video below to find out how to activate your users through the admin panel.


Once your users are activated, you’ll be able to connect your business email domains, and assign their email accounts to them so they can start to send and receive private and secure communications.

Siccura Mail connects with popular third-party email service providers as well as privately hosted email domains:

  • Gmail
  • Yahoo
  • Microsoft Exchange
  • Outlook

Watch the video below to find out how to set up your business email domains, and assign your existing business email accounts to users.


There may be times when your employees have multiple devices to conduct business. To keep your business information secure and private, we recommend connecting every device to Siccura. You can achieve this through the admin panel under Device Access management, where you can add as many devices your employees use to their user account.

Watch this video to see how to add and set up devices in order to manage the access.


Ultra Content Protection is a module within Siccura Admin panel that gives you as business owners the control over what employees within the business can do with the emails exchanged. By default, everything created and exchanged within the business remains in the ownership of the business. However, Ultra Content Protection gives you the ability to give certain rights to employees as they use the solution.

These rights including ability to send emails to external users, giving rights to allow themselves and their recipients the ability to copy, forward and share and so on.

Watch the video below to gain a deeper understanding of Ultra Content Protection and how to unlock privacy settings applied to business content.


To keep your business communications through your emails private and secure, Siccura automatically encrypts to keep every piece of content, including attachments locked and protected. So, no matter where business emails go, with or without permission, your information is kept private, secure and in your control.

What’s more every email sent, irrespective of whether they are Siccura or Non-Siccura users is always received and read in view only mode.

Watch the video below to find out how you can send a view only email.


We understand that there are situations where employees need to communicate critical information to those outside of the organisation. That’s why Siccura Mail extends the security and privacy controls to emails that are sent to people outside of the organisation.

Recipients who do not have Siccura will received protected emails, which they will only be able to view through the Siccura secure browser. The video below will give you a guide on how to download and open protected emails that have come from Siccura users.


By default, everything that is sent to Siccura and Non-Siccura users is available in view only mode. However, the privacy settings that are applied by default can be removed if users are given the rights to do so by the business administrator.

Administrators can grant users permission to allow others to copy, forward, share, delete, edit and more. These permissions go far enough as to control whether these settings can be removed just for internal users or external contacts as well.

Watch the video below to find out how you can remove privacy rights to protected content that is shared with Siccura and Non-Siccura users.


To retain the integrity and authenticity of every piece of information shared via emails, by default emails are marked with a custom watermark. This is to deter recipients from any attempts to take screenshots, to steal ideas.  However, users can remove watermarks from protected content.

Watch this video to find out how you can disable watermarks from protected content.


Have you received an encrypted email from a Siccura user, but don’t have the application installed? Not to worry! You can still securely open and read the message, and any attachments by accessing it on your Android device’s browser.

Watch the video below to learn how to open any encrypted messages you’ve received securely on your Android device’s browser.

Video link:


Have you received an encrypted email from a Siccura user, but don’t have the application installed? Not to worry! You can still securely open and read the message, and any attachments by accessing it on your Windows device browser.

Watch the video below to learn how to open any encrypted messages you’ve received securely on your Windows device browser.

Video Link:


To keep data that is generated through the business whether its through emails, locally stored or on the cloud, you’ll need to set up users and configure their email accounts.

Watch this video see how to set up a user and configure their email ID onto Siccura Mail.


The Siccura Admin panel is a centralised module that allows you to control what employees within the business can and cannot do. There are various security and privacy settings that you can grant to your users.

These privacy and security settings extend to giving rights to employees to send external emails, allowing employees to copy, forward, share and download content and more on emails.

Watch this video to gain a deeper understanding of the critical security features you can start to activate.


To keep your business information within the business and in your control, we’ve developed privacy settings that by default block any attempt of data escaping, and that includes blocking employees the ability to send emails to anyone.

Grant Rights to send external emails is an Ultra Content Protection setting that when activated gives users the ability to start communicating with people outside of Siccura.

There are multiple layers of this setting, watch this video to gain a deeper understanding.


To keep your business information within the business and in your control, we’ve developed privacy settings that by default block any attempt of data escaping, and that includes blocking employees the ability to send emails to anyone.

Grant Rights to send external emails is an Ultra Content Protection setting that when activated gives users the ability to start communicating with people outside of Siccura.

There are multiple layers of this setting, watch this video to gain a deeper understanding.


We understand that in a business, people need to communicate with internal staff members as well as those outside the organisation. That’s why Siccura Mail gives you the flexibility to decide which employees can send emails to Siccura and non-Siccura users.

What’s more if you decide to give employees the ability to communicate via email to those who do not have Siccura, the emails will automatically appear encrypted and only accessible via a secure browser or Siccura Lite (Secure reader).

Watch this video to find out more.


Since Siccura’s entire focus is on keeping your email data, including attachments private, secure and in your control, every mail that is sent or shared using the solution is locked with encryption and accessible in a view-only mode.

Watch this video below to see the different ways in which Siccura blocks any attempts of data escaping.


Siccura blocks any attempts of data leaks or exposure by default, and therefore any emails, including attachments that are shared with recipients will not be able to copy, or export the content. The ability to give recipients the rights to export data is  granted by the administrator.

Allow export rights is granted by the administrator through the Siccura Admin panel. The administrator can determine whether users can give these rights just to internal Siccura users, or external non-Siccura users as well.

Watch the video to find out how the export feature works.


There may be situations where you want to send emails that are confidential and can only be read by intended recipients. There might be situations where the content you share over these emails need to be password protected. Siccura offers the ability for users to add an additional layer of security to the emails  by password protecting them.

Watch the video below to find out how to send password protected emails.


There may be situations where you have shared emails that contain confidential emails, or perhaps proposals to contacts. When business deals do not fall through, to avoid being in a situation where the recipient is able to use what was previously shared with them for their own gain you can revoke access.

Revoke access gives you the ability to remove the recipient’s access to emails, including attachments anytime.

Watch the video below to find out how to revoke an email.


There may be situations where you need to send confidential information to users, but not do want them to hold that information for long. Self-Destruct is a feature within Siccura that allows you to set a time limit to your message. Once the time is up, the message will automatically disappear, and access will be removed.

Watch this video to find out how you can send emails with Self-destruct


Employees often share information such as business proposals, contracts, offers, and intellectual property information over emails. Most of this information can be time sensitive. To maintain control and integrity of your business data, Siccura has a “Set an expiry limit” feature.

Set an expiry gives you the ability to set a preview limit to your emails, including attachments.

Watch the video below  to find out how you can set an expiry.


As you use Siccura, and start to receive emails, you might find that you are not able to perform certain tasks such as copy, forwarding, editing, deleting etc. If you find yourself receiving alerts such as “You do not have the permission”, then that means the administrator or the sender has not given you access.

You can request for certain privacy rights to be removed.

Watch the video below to find out how you can request for a privacy right to be removed.


Have you received an encrypted email from a Siccura user, but don’t have the application installed? Not to worry! You can still securely open and read the message, and any attachments by downloading Siccura Reader from App store.

Watch the video below to learn how to download Siccura Reader and access your message.

Video Link:


If you did not receive a mobile OTP (One-Time Password) to log into your Siccura Mail account, there are a few steps you can take:

  • Check your network connection: Make sure you have a stable network connection to receive the OTP.
  • Check your mobile number: Ensure that you have entered the correct mobile number and the number is in use.
  • Wait a few minutes: Sometimes, it can take a few minutes for the OTP to arrive. If you have not received it after a few minutes, try again.
  • Contact customer support: If you have tried the above steps and are still not receiving the OTP, contact Siccura Mail customer support [email protected] for assistance. Our support team will be happy to help you troubleshoot the issue and get you logged into your account.

When contacting our customer support team, please provide as much detail as possible about the issue you are experiencing. This will help us to quickly diagnose the problem and provide a solution.


When you are sending, or about to send an email to a recipient and want to give them certain content rights such as the ability to copy, forward,  download or edit the contents, including attachments of your email, you may encounter the following error: You are not allowed to grant this permission.

Most users will face this error if they have not been given the permission to allow themselves, and/ or recipients to reset these privacy settings. These permissions are generally controlled by the administrator through the Siccura Admin panel.

In order to reset these privacy rights you’ll need to seek permission from the administrator.

Steps to troubleshoot this error - Admin Side:

If you are an administrator, and have received a request from one of the users asking permission to reset their content privacy rights, watch this video to find out how you can reset the rights.

For Personal Users:

 To recover the password for your private area in MySiccura, you can follow these steps:

  • My Siccura users can click on 9 dots menu, open “Settings.”
  • In Setting windows go to “Privacy settings” -> Go to “App Password Manager”.
  • Enter the password
  • User will see the password recovery details. Here click on  “Setup Private Area Password”.
  • You will need to select the mobile number or email address that you have added for password recovery purposes.
  • Once you have enter the OTP sent to your recovery method, you’ll be able to reset the password to the private area.

For Business Users:

If you are a business user, the administrator will be able to reset the Private Area password for employees through the Siccura Admin panel.

If you encounter any difficulties during the password recovery process, it is recommended to reach out to Siccura's customer support for further assistance on [email protected]


When you are sending an email to multiple recipients, just as you are about to send the email, you may encounter the following error: You are not allowed to send mail to some of the addresses”.

Most users will face this error if they have not been given permission to send emails to certain contacts. The permission to send emails to certain contacts is generally controlled by the administrator through the Siccura Admin panel.

In order to be able to send emails to these types of contacts, we recommend asking the administrator to give you permission.

Steps to troubleshoot this error - Admin Side:

If you are an administrator, and have received a request from one of the users asking for permission to send emails to certain contacts, watch this video to find out how you can grant certain users the rights to send emails to external contacts.


When you are sending an email to multiple recipients, just as you are about to send the email, you may want to give rights to your recipients to be able to copy, forward, download, edit and more with the message. As you go into the Reset Privacy Settings section to give “Full Access”, you may encounter being blocked.

Most users will face this error if they have not been given permission to allow themselves or recipients full access to the content of the email including attachments.  The permission to reset this privacy setting is controlled by the administrator through the Siccura Admin panel.

In order to be able to gain full access to the emails you send, and give the same rights to recipients, we recommend contacting the administrator to give you permission.

Steps to troubleshoot this error - Admin Side:

If you are an administrator, and have received a request from one of the users asking for the ability to allow themselves and others Full access to the content sent, watch this video to see how you can grant the permission.



To keep your business information within the business and in your control, we’ve developed privacy settings that by default block any attempt of data escaping, and that includes blocking employees’ ability to share files with anyone.

Employees are usually given these privacy permissions. There are multiple layers of this setting, watch this video to gain a deeper understanding.

Siccura software uses Secure Transport Layer to transfer encryption keys between users.

Siccura uses the asymmetric encryption AES 256 Key, which is generated randomly to secure any data such as email body content, attachments and files of any kind.

These keys are then used to secure the data with an RSA Public/ Private Key. Siccura transfers the keys through secure communication channels such as SSL/ TLS (Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security) protocols to protect the transfer of keys during transmission. These protocols provide encryption and authentication, preventing unauthorised access or tampering.

No, Siccura is designed to ensure that your data remains private, secure and in your control. Therefore the architecture of the software ensures that we do not have access to your data.

Anything that is created, stored or shared through the software is locked and secured locally on the software. The software secures the data locally, and keeps it locked as it travels through your existing set ups, such as existing email service provider.

Siccura works with RSA keys, which are created exclusively for the user inside the software. Every piece of data that is created is locked with a random generated key, and further locked by the client key. The architecture of Siccura is similar to Blockchain.


To keep your business information within the business and in your control, we’ve developed privacy settings that by default block any attempt of data escaping, and that includes blocking employees’ ability to share files with anyone.

Employees are usually given these privacy permissions. There are multiple layers of this setting, watch this video to gain a deeper understanding.

No, Siccura does not have access to the unique encryption keys as they are created and stored locally on every user’s software solution. 


All our customers are supported every step of the way. From the moment you install to as you start to use the software. We offer a variety of levels of support depending on your support package premium.  Our customer onboarding and support teams are available via email, phone or video conferencing.

We offer three levels of support plans; Standard, Gold and Platinum. Here is a breakdown of our support plans:

  • Standard plan – Absolutely free which offers basic support driven through email with a turnaround time of 48 hours.
  • Gold Plan – A minimal charge per user per year. Gold provides support via email, and telephone with a 24-hour turn around on any query or assistance required.
  • Platinum Plan – A charge per user per year. The Platinum support gives users comprehensive support and technical assistance conducted through email, video conference and or remote access.

For more information on our pricing for support packages, please contact our sales team.

Need help with our product? Want technical support? Have billing or subscription questions? Contact our customer support team at [email protected]! We're here to help you out Monday through Friday from 9am to 6pm. Get in touch and let us take care of everything for you.

Our technical teams are available from Monday to Friday between 9am -6pm. If you have any queries, you will be able to reach out to our staff through email or telephone. Our details are: [email protected] .

Alternatively, you’ll be able to review our Help Centres inside the application for further assistance.

Customer and technical support teams are available from Monday to Saturday between 9am – 6pm.

Our customer support teams are available from Monday to Friday between 9am to 6pm. If you need any support relating to your account, billing, or technical assistance with the solution, please contact us via email on: [email protected] .

You will also be able to receive support and guidance through our help centres, which are situated inside the solution.

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