Turbulent times for EasyJet as the airline company admits to being the latest victim of a cyberattack. Approximately 9 million customer details have been hacked. The customer’s details include email addresses and travel details. It has also been reported that 2,208 customers had their credit card details “accessed”.

The UK’s information Commissioner’s Office has been informed, while investigations as to how it happened begins. 

EasyJet went public with their data breach in order warn the nine million customers whose email addresses that had been stolen of possible Phishing attacks. EasyJet has issued a statement saying that “We are advising customers to be cautious of any communications purporting to come from EasyJet or EasyJet Holidays.”

In the past few months, we’ve seen an increase in the number of cyberattacks. Phishing is one of the popular methods used by cybercriminals to steal personal information. Phishing is an attack activity involving emails being sent by people posing as a legitimate contact. 

As a result, customers are being advised to be extremely wary of any emails they receive from the airline. Unfortunately, EasyJet is not the only the only airline to have been caught up in a cyberattack. In 2018, British Airways announced that more than half a million customers’ personal details had been harvested by hackers.

There’s no doubt that scammers and hackers will now start to pose as EasyJet, banks and other authorities. The best thing is to stay vigilant and learn how to spot a Phishing scam. If you think you are affected by this latest data breach, please contact Action Fraud and have a look at their advise. 

BBC News has the full story: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-52722626

Do you know the difference between a Phishing attack and a real email?

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  • Make your employees aware of the types of attacks such as Phishing, Vishing, Ransomware and more
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